
German-American contemporary artist Anika McFarland uses a variety of techniques in her art, though her work frequently depicts animals and people, most often in acrylic on canvas.

Though she had some formal training during her studies for a masters in architecture, she is largely self-taught. In 2019, she won a finalist award for one of her paintings of a woman called “She”. McFarland is also an avid photographer and won a finalist award with her photo of her dog with the title "Raven". She had gallery representation in 2019. She lives in Nebraska since 2003 and studied at UNL as an exchange student for a year.

My art derives largely from photographs as well as memory, often a combination thereof. My favorite medium is acrylic paint on canvas. While I also use oils, watercolor, graphite, charcoal and digital mediums, my subjects remain the same, animals and people. These are also subject of my photography.



Bennington, Nebraska

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